

Control and prevention:

  1. In the box office area and / or registration tables, security fences or uniforms will be located to organize the attendees, signaling the required distance on the floor. The use of ticket sales and on-line registration will be promoted to speed up this process and avoid long lines.
    2. All visitors must have a mask. People who do not have this element may not enter.
    3. Mandatory entry through disinfection doors that includes disinfection of clothing, surfaces and footwear, at the different access points of the event.
    4. All visitors’ body temperature will be taken. In the event that someone has a temperature above 38 °, they will not be able to enter the facilities and they will be provided with the information so that they can approach one of the medical care centers, calling # 171.
    5. Use of disinfectant gel, for which a dispenser will be placed at the different access points of the building.Once these protocols have been met, you can enter the facilities.

In Event:

1. In general social areas and in rooms that are being used for events, the seats or tables that should not be occupied will be indicated, in order to ensure that the distance of two meters is maintained.
Signage will be maintained in entrances, hallways and conference room.

2. The signage is made up of signs and floor-prints. The measures that are reinforced are:

  • Distance of at least two meters.
  • Permanent use of mask
  • Hand washing, for at least 20 seconds.
  • Contactless greeting.
  • Use of antibacterial gel.

3.  Automatic counting of people, to respect and maintain the allowed capacity.
4. The establishment and the organizers reserve the right of admission once the maximum capacity allowed is reached.
5. The consumption of food will be allowed only in the area designated for this purpose (restaurant area).

Event information contact:

Ana Carolina Jáuregui 
General event information
Teléfono: (+593) 4 268 3017 ext. 130


Es el evento técnico comercial acuícola más importante del continente que posee una amplia red de socios en el mundo. Desde hace más de 20 años, la Cámara Nacional de Acuacultura de Ecuador lo organiza, con el propósito de promover conocimiento e innovación de la comunidad acuícola de Ecuador y el mundo.

Está conformado por una feria comercial y un congreso científico-técnico:

  • En el recinto ferial participan cientos de empresas ecuatorianas y extranjeras que exhiben lo más destacado de su cartera de productos.
  • En el congreso se abordan temas de interés e importancia para el sector acuícola como: prevención y manejo de enfermedades, nutrición y prácticas alimenticias, eficiencia e innovaciones tecnológicas, diversificación de cultivos, mejoramiento genético, tendencias de mercado, etc. Participan investigadores y profesionales de la acuicultura de todo el mundo para presentar sus recientes investigaciones y últimos avances tecnológicos.

El éxito de Aqua Expo se evidencia en el crecimiento sostenible del evento, tanto en número de participantes a la feria comercial, como de asistentes a los congresos y este año adaptó su formato a presencial y virtual para satisfacer las preferencias de sus clientes y asistentes.

Si Ud. requiere más información acerca del evento escríbanos a